Lisa's Surgery Date: April 25, 2008

Check the archives for details . . .

Monday, June 9, 2008

Monday notes

People have asked for a photo of the best parents in the world . . . so here you go folks! My mother and father . . . Mary Jo and Hugh Norman :)

Here's my PICC in my luscious right arm :) The blue valve is the gadget that the chemo drugs are fed into. It looks like it may be cumbersome, however, compared to the other healing going on, this is nothing.

Last note, Dr. Macadams emailed tonight and passed on a fantastic site:
This site is for total well being of the cancer patient. Surgery and treatment are crucial to survival; however, they are not successful without notice to the finer details. The whole patient: mind, body, and spirit need attention. Eating, exercise, support groups, consults etc are where cancer recurrence is held at bay. This site really excites me, especially for growing such a centre when we get our Cancer Centre here in PG!

1 comment:

Becky said...

Beautiful picture of the "rents". That's a framer.