Lisa's Surgery Date: April 25, 2008

Check the archives for details . . .

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Remembering the Fight

"For me, breast cancer has been a great challenge, and an even bigger triumph!"

Lisa Norman, Mom, wife, breast cancer warrior, amazing woman

Pretty awesome reconnection with Suzanne. Here's her post. Thanks friend!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


By sending one, you will be helping an important woman, 50-69, become aware by reminding her about the significance of mammograms. But don’t stop there! Send it to all the women in your life and ask them to pass it on to the women they know who should have a mammogram.

Just fill out the “to” and “from” fields, customize your Boob-a-Gram with your own personal message, and then hit “send” and your message will be on its way.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Still Amazed!

I am stunned by the number of women who opt for a lumpectomy or single mastectomy despite the incredible stats of cancer reoccurring in the other breast. I just completed an eight week online group study conducted by the BC Cancer Agency. This two year study is aiming to target women in their early 40's who have recently battled breast cancer to better understand the recovery process after treatment. Two of our group had a double mastectomy as well as having our ovaries removed. The others in the study had single lumpectomies or mastectomies. These women live with the constant fear of cancer coming back. These fearful thoughts impede the recovery process.
This does not make sense to me. Would you not rid yourself of all possible sites for cancer to reoccur? If the breasts are removed, the ovaries are the next best site for the cancer to metastasise. Have it all removed and live - knowing you've done all that you can. It takes a long time for recovery, so why give cancer ANY chance to come back just to do the whole process over again? No thanks. Yes, it's a personal decision . . . I guess it's just a no brainer for me.