Lisa's Surgery Date: April 25, 2008

Check the archives for details . . .

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Relay for Life!

Okay folks . . . I attended my first meeting for Relay for Life last night. Little Missy Erin Reynolds did a lovely chairing job. I am on the recruiting end of things. We will be targeting the schools as well trying to get as many new teams as possible to join. ANY recruiting ideas would be more than welcome!!
The Canadian Cancer Assoc. is responsible for Relay for Life. The money we raise in our area - stays in our area (unlike the Terry Fox Assoc.) A tad is skimmed off the top for research - but the rest stays in our northern zone. This is fantastic!
I was thinking Gary, Bev, and myself could create a great team! The event will be May 9th and 10th - so mark your calendars and get ready to sign up :)

ps - I have had complaints re: lack of updates. My camera was dropped and so I cannot update with anything exciting. I will buy a new one when I can get out and about on my own.


Anonymous said...


Relay for life great cause to work for. If you need anything just cal.


amazingsusan said...

Hey Lisa,

Just checking in to see how you're doing, and to let you know that so far I've had 16 visitors to from the link on your blog and that more than 150 people have gone to your story on the site :)

Looks and sounds like you're doing great and embracing life with passion and energy. I know you will have been an inspiration to the people that read your story on AWR and I'm sure you are a great joy to all of those who are in your life. You surely are an inspiration to me. I'm so glad we have connected and linked :) Take care and keep rockin'! Susan in Dubai