Dan Rogers came out and ran for the cure! It was nice to have such a busy guy come out and join us in the cause. He forwarded these photos of the day. There are more to come, but I wanted to add these for today. Don't forget to vote Rogers in November folks! A new, young, and sober mayor . . . what a novelty! :) oops, was that out loud?
I am now attempting to pack for Vancouver. I leave tomorrow morning, and I am still running around like a fart in a mitt. I have 3 appointments over 3 days. I will bring the camera and keep you posted as I visit the various physicians. THEN Bev and I get to drive back together. We'll pull a little Thelma and Louise and arrive in time for a Sunday Thanksgiving bird. gobble gobble
Have a great trip in Vancouver. I will say a prayer for you girly. If you and Bev are re-enacting Thelma and Louise is Norm Brad Pitt??? Giddy -UP!!!!
Yes, Dan Rogers all the way....
Great pics of the race. Good luck with Vancouver. Watch out for cute hitchhikers.
You rock Lisa :) I'm sending your story to 2,000 people today, and they'll be sending you positive energy from all over the world.
P.S. Thanks for the link!
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