Flying in to Vancouver on Wednesday night was wonderful! I was met by Chrissy and off to Nu restaurant we went for some red juice. This was much needed as I had worked right up until this day. BAD move! I WOULD NOT recommend this. Take time to wrap your thoughts and anticipation around the illness. No one cares about a martyr.
Thursday I met with the young plastic surgeon. I had completed my research and I was prepared to discuss the DIEP or implant options. When she announced that her speciality was the newer reconstructive method - DIEP - I wanted to cry. This reconstruction uses my own body tissue and will allow one operation to complete the mastectomy and reconstruction.
Of course I was trying to offload all sorts of fat sites - ass, legs - to add to the gunt donor site. No luck. The DIEP flap is harvested with the perforater blood supply intact, so fat from other sites will successfully transplant. I had lovely photos taken for before and after shots. mooooooooo!
Then we were off to meet the surgeon. She was a no-nonsense lady and very competent. Holy! She reviewed the options and then explained the chosen double mastectomy surgery. She will do the sentinel nodes on both sides and then take care to remove all of the breast tissue. There is less than a 1 percent chance of recurrence with a double mastectomy.
Norm flew in later that evening and it was dandy to add another support person to the red wine brigade. It is so nice to have such a wonderful partner with me through this. I have never had a truly supportive and engaged partner through any medical adventure. This is all new and very special for me. :)
in to my life and support me through such a difficult life altering experience. Not many would or could.
Of course the TIT's (together in time gal pals) are in there, through thick and thin. Chrissy opens her heart and home to make me feel at comfortable and not scared. I think Norm was good for her too. She is usually starring in the supporting role alone. I can only imagine the thoughts that have passed as she has sat in the BC Cancer Agency with our other dear Titster - Bev.
On Friday we met with the oncologist. This woman is incredible. After my surgery she will let me know what course of treatment we will pursue. If I have to have chemo, I can complete my
treatments at home. I have entered a study that will provide a prediction of cancer recurrence. I am delighted with this. This information will help my siblings, my daughter, nieces, and nephews.
Yippe skippee
Time for dinner . . .
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